Showcase & Pozzeti Caramel L1600

Caramel L1600

- Brand: Gelatec
- Type: Showcase & Pozzeti
- Origin: Italy
- Packing: 1 package/carton
- For: Ice cream shop
- Unit: Unit
- Weight: 101 - 500 kg
- Status: Order
- Distributor: VUA KEM (GELATO-KING)
- Importer: TADAVINA CO., LTD
Gelatec is a manufacturer of ice cream display cabinets, freezers, bar freezers for restaurants, cafes, hotels, based in Greece and Italy. Gelato ice cream display cabinet to showcase your delicious ice creams and gelato to diners. All of our ice cream display cabinets are manufactured by Gelatec. Our Gelatec Showcases come in a variety of sizes and extras depending on your intended use. Gelatec offers many excellent ice cream display cabinets
Offer a variety of long-lasting delicious gelato flavors with this excellent Platinum gelato showcase! Designed to hold 12, 18, 24 ice cream trays, the unit features an interior LED light to beautifully display your ice cream flavors. with your most popular flavors, and adjust the thermostat to create the ideal environment for storing gelato, sorbet or other desserts. Because the thermostat adjusts from 4 to -20 degrees Celsius, you can be sure that the gelato is always kept at the perfect serving consistency.
To maintain the perfect set temperature, the cabinet has a heat-reflective lid that prevents heat from entering the cold interior.


The structure of the beautiful square glass cabinet includes a frame with a luxurious design, a transparent flat glass surface that is easy to observe the ice cream from the outside and most importantly, the cooling system inside the cabinet, helping to prevent the ice cream from melting even if it is not. open and close many times. Ice cream display space is ice cream trays of equal size that can be put in and out, easy to clean after use.

Products for: cafe shop, ice cream shop, cake shop, fast food shop Used to sell ice cream, display gelato ice cream, Use to introduce finished ice cream, stimulate ice cream taste. Ice cream display cabinet with 5 trays, 10 trays, including round and rectangular trays, Professional square glass display cabinet, with drying glass, used in supermarkets, high-end ice cream shops



Ice cream display cabinet is an indispensable product in an ice cream shop, customers can see the types of ice cream available to order.
Choosing an ice cream display cabinet suitable for the needs of the restaurant's ice cream business is a very important thing.
Gelatec is a manufacturer of ice cream display cabinets, freezers, bar freezers for restaurants, cafes, hotels, based in Greece and Italy.

With high quality ice cream display cabinets, new designs and open interfaces, many customers have received them since its establishment.
Gelatec uses advanced technology, high quality materials, European components to create the best products for gelato.
Gelatec ice cream display cabinet is designed with modern style, modern standards, beautiful space, inside and out with tempered glass or stainless steel,
There is a cooling fan around, which regulates the air circulation of the product, and has the best glass drying system that does not cause dew or sweat.
Many products are neatly designed, beautiful, easy to see from many sides.
Gelatec's powdered products are PLATINUM, TITANIUM, CARAMEL, ZERO, DADO...



With the CARAMEL ice cream display cabinet, there are models such as CARAMEL L1120, CARAMEL L1600
PLATINUM ice cream display cabinet body is made of AISI 304 stainless steel, insulated with eco-polyurethane with density 42kg/m3.
The system is controlled by electronic thermostat with ip65 insulation index and LED display.
The evaporator air has been treated with a special anti-toxic pigment to avoid transferring toxicity to the product.

The reverse defrost mode ensures the best ice cream preservation.
The lighting system is LED to avoid overheating in cold spaces.
The dual crystals are heated on all sides to avoid moisture condensation problems.
The platinum series can ensure ideal ice cream preservation and uniform temperature in all screen lengths even when mountain gelato technique is used.
In addition, it has a Polycarbonate sliding door at the back for easy and quick user access.
Ice cream tray is designed for Size mm 360x165x120 and for mm 360x250x120
The front glass can be opened for easy operation by the user.



The cabinet has clear lines, easy to see all the ice cream trays being displayed at first glance.
Caramel display cabinet has a traditional design with square lines, so it can adapt to any space inside the restaurant.

The front opening glass maximizes user comfort, making the interior of the cabinet quick and easy to clean daily.


Transparent glass gives this series a bright and transparent display space. All create an attractive appearance.
Products are efficiently stored at all levels of the cabinet with the use of ventilated refrigeration.
The cabinet's advanced technology combined with high quality components make it a high standard ice cream display cabinet.



26LK14, Mau Luong, Hanoi, Vietnam

MST: 0107 466 001

Tel: +8424 2321 1111
Mob: +84 916 819 888

Gelatec is a company that has come to the forefront of business activity just in 2015, but its rapid growth in conjunction with its innovative solutions have resulted in consolidating its role on the international market.

Gelatec main business field covers the design and the manufacture of professional equipment fitted for confectionery, hotel, restaurant, bar and catering facilities. More specifically, Gelatec is specialised in professional refrigerators, showcases and stainless steel constructions and at the same time gives its customers the chance to order custom constructions besides the standard, which can be fully adapted to the data and the requirements of their own space.

Ensuring quality in the provision of its services and developing equipment of high technology, performance and aesthetics are the principal objectives of the company. Rapid technological development is constantly setting new rules in the market; we evaluate them and move alongside the technical advances, while upholding our everlasting values. With consistency and credibility, we have been able to implement a multitude of ambitious projects and become partners of top global businesses.

The dynamics of our team, consisting of sales, design and production department lies in thoroughness, patience and passion for success. Company's human resources with their training and experience can meet the needs of the most demanding customers and can guarantee in any case a technically perfect result. There is complete compliance of our products with all the legal requirements set out in the European Union's Technical Harmonization Directives.

Passion, elegance, creativity and need for daily progress are some of the key features of our company, which are noticeably reflected in our final creations. Gelatec exudes the pulse of the new generation and is here to put its stamp on technology and design regarding the field of mass catering.

Since 2015, Gelatec produces in its region and, it provides refrigerated showcases and furniture for public places worldwide, with a sales volume beyond 120 million of euro by exporting, in 150 countries, quality products with a high rate of technology and innovation, also in terms of sustainability by using natural refrigerants.

Today, Gelatec is one of the most luxury manufacturers of the world in the field of interior design for public places, showcases and refrigerated cabinets for ice cream and pastry and professional furniture. Beyond numerous and prestigious clients, who make a daily use of Gelatec’s equipment, Gelatec has been collaborating for years with important international brands, which they are: Autogrill, Jemmy, Coca Cola, Conad, Coopfood, Cadoda, Mediaworld, Haagen Dazs, Nestlé, Sturbucks and Unilever.

In Vietnam, Gelatec co-operate with TADAVINA, one of the best importing and exporting companies, representing and selling ice cream ingredients and machines, gelato showcase, ice cream cabinet, blast freezer, blast chiller, slush machines, dispenser machines, coffee machines, coffee bean, coffee capsule, diswasher, bakery equipments now.

Gelatec is a company that has come to the forefront of business activity just in 2015, but its rapid growth in conjunction with its innovative solutions have resulted in consolidating its role on the international market.

Gelatec main business field covers the design and the manufacture of professional equipment fitted for confectionery, hotel, restaurant, bar and catering facilities. More specifically, Gelatec is specialised in professional refrigerators, showcases and stainless steel constructions and at the same time gives its customers the chance to order custom constructions besides the standard, which can be fully adapted to the data and the requirements of their own space.

Ensuring quality in the provision of its services and developing equipment of high technology, performance and aesthetics are the principal objectives of the company. Rapid technological development is constantly setting new rules in the market; we evaluate them and move alongside the technical advances, while upholding our everlasting values. With consistency and credibility, we have been able to implement a multitude of ambitious projects and become partners of top global businesses.

The dynamics of our team, consisting of sales, design and production department lies in thoroughness, patience and passion for success. Company's human resources with their training and experience can meet the needs of the most demanding customers and can guarantee in any case a technically perfect result. There is complete compliance of our products with all the legal requirements set out in the European Union's Technical Harmonization Directives.

Passion, elegance, creativity and need for daily progress are some of the key features of our company, which are noticeably reflected in our final creations. Gelatec exudes the pulse of the new generation and is here to put its stamp on technology and design regarding the field of mass catering.

Since 2015, Gelatec produces in its region and, it provides refrigerated showcases and furniture for public places worldwide, with a sales volume beyond 120 million of euro by exporting, in 150 countries, quality products with a high rate of technology and innovation, also in terms of sustainability by using natural refrigerants.

Today, Gelatec is one of the most luxury manufacturers of the world in the field of interior design for public places, showcases and refrigerated cabinets for ice cream and pastry and professional furniture. Beyond numerous and prestigious clients, who make a daily use of Gelatec’s equipment, Gelatec has been collaborating for years with important international brands, which they are: Autogrill, Jemmy, Coca Cola, Conad, Coopfood, Cadoda, Mediaworld, Haagen Dazs, Nestlé, Sturbucks and Unilever.

In Vietnam, Gelatec co-operate with TADAVINA, one of the best importing and exporting companies, representing and selling ice cream ingredients and machines, gelato showcase, ice cream cabinet, blast freezer, blast chiller, slush machines, dispenser machines, coffee machines, coffee bean, coffee capsule, diswasher, bakery equipments now.

Link download:
Caramel has been outstandingly designed to meet the needs of every customer.
TADAVINA Information
Contact MR TUAN
Address 26LK14, Mau Luong, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel +84-24-3906-8888
Fax +84-24-2321-1111
Mobile +84-986-883-888


26Lk14 Mau Luong, Hanoi, Vietnam
+8424 232 11111
+84 986 883 888

26Lk14 Mau Luong, Hanoi, Vietnam
+84 986 883 888
106/1 Truong Van Bang, Vung Tau, Vietnam
+84 906 883 888

Account Holder: TADAVINA CO., LTD
Acount No : 069 1000 886 001
At: Vietcombank, West Branch of Hanoi, Vietnam
Account Holder: Nguyen Van Tuan
Acount No : 069 1000 883 888
At: Vietcombank, West Branch of Hanoi, Vietnam

Request to US



About US

Developed from the online company since 2010, after that everyone knows as VUA KEM (Gelato King) until now. As a famous brand focusing on selling gelato ingredients, fastfood equipment, and coffee machines, VUA KEM (Gelato King) always develop high quality products from Europe, especially in Italia later.

Established in 2016 as a small dealer side by side of Singapore Company in Vietnam, after that TADAVINA (VUA KEM) quickly become an importing company as directly representative, distributors of gelato ingredients, ice cream machines, gelato showcases, and coffee beans … to the restaurants, hotels, resorts, and shops all over Vietnam.   

With online experience, TADAVINA have got many websites to support the customers finding the potential products, from here TADAVINA supply better all services as ice cream training, repairing, setting up, and renting gelato or coffee machines many years ago.  Our slogan as “Simple is Quality”. 

It’s the story of TADAVINA, the joyful idea of Vietnamese businessmen, built in the desire and open-hearted hope to create one favourite enterprise, that everyone will be supported the best products.

This is a story of great commitment and passion, the story of founders and staff  who have dedicated their lives to search order to bring the valuable products to the customers today.

Tadavina becomes the best importing company, they always finds and imports high quality products in the world. TADAVINA is the high-up importers of ice cream powders, ice cream flavors, fruit pastes, topping, pure, sirup to make the best mixes of ice cream, ice blend, coffee, bakery and promote of the beverage solution and food.

Our Customers
Tadavina was founded in 2016, with the desires of being the first bridge for business starters to get the modern and advanced knowledge of technology and experience in establishing a system of sustainable restaurant chains today. Tadavina, one of the best importing and exporting companies, representing and selling ice cream powders, ice cream machines, slush machines, dispenser machines, coffee machines, bakery equipments, focusing on importing ice cream powders
About us
Tadavina was founded in 2016, with the desires of being the first bridge for business starters to get the modern and advanced knowledge of technology and experience in establishing a system of sustainable restaurant chains today. Tadavina, one of the best importing and exporting companies, representing and selling ice cream powders, ice cream machines, slush machines, dispenser machines, coffee machines, bakery equipments, focusing on importing ice cream powders
Tadavina story
Granted by one holly woman for establishing and developing one new company with the rivers in many continents, and then, mentioned to rename into other name in the condition without liking other brands. Overcoming the challenges, finding many the names of companies with the rivers, trees, animals …, it will be the name with success, deliberate, easy, quiet, beautìul name as TADAVINA now.
Our Branding
Founded from the online company since 2010, after that everyone knows as VUA KEM (Gelato King) until now. As a famous brand focusing on selling gelato ingredients, fastfood equipment, and coffee machines, VUA KEM (Gelato King) always develop high quality products from Europe, especially in Italia later.
Our partners
Tadavina was founded in 2016, with the desires of being the first bridge for business starters to get the modern and advanced knowledge of technology and experience in establishing a system of sustainable restaurant chains today. Tadavina, one of the best importing and exporting companies, representing and selling ice cream powders, ice cream machines, slush machines, dispenser machines, coffee machines, bakery equipments, focusing on importing ice cream powders


Established on June 2016 and located in Hanoi, Vietnam, TADAVINA focus on importing Gelato ingredients and coffee machines to sell exclusive brands in Vietnam. Most of the brands are located in Italy. TADAVINA become directly representative, distributors of gelato ingredients, ice cream machines, gelato showcases, and coffee beans … to the restaurants, hotels, resorts, and shops all over Vietnam. All customers can buy and use gelato ingedients, yogurt machines, gelato showase, coffee bean, coffee machines or renting services for all projects. 


In 2017, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Cofrimell (1981) - a leader company at an international level in the field of the commercial refrigeration as dispnenser, slush machines, granita machines, located in Rome, Italy.  

In 2017, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Fama Industries (1953) - 70 years history of expertise, the top manufacturers of food preparation equipments, located in Rimini, Italy.  

In 2018, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Innova Italia (1978) - manufacturer of batch freezers, pasteurizers, soft serve machines, hade-made in 100% Italia, with luxury machines, located in Bergamo, Italy.   

In 2018, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Techfrost (1995) - one of the first producers of blast chillers / blast freezers for F&B, especially gelato and bakery, located in Venezia, Italy.   

In 2019, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Camardo (1951) - one of the first Italian brands to export Italian coffee beans, roasted coffee blends, located in Campobasso, Italy.   

In 2019, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Gelatec (2010) - design and the manufacture of professional gelato showcase for gelato and bakery, located in Thessaloniki, Greece. 

In 2020, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributors of Fracino England (1963) - manufacture of coffee machines, "Made in England 100%" coffee machines, located in Birmingham, UK.

In 2020, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Promac Italia (1982) - manufacture of  about coffee machines, located in Milan, Italy.

In 2020, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of VEMA Italia (1953) - manufacture of Milkshake machines, Piza Ovens, located in Venezia, Italy.  

In 2021, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributors Aromitalia (1942) - manufacturing Gelato ingredients, fruit pastes, Yogurt - "Gelato made in Turin Italia " over rthe world, located in Turin, Italy.    


TADAVINA started participating Food Exhibitions in Vietnam for introducing main products there since 2019. Always TADAVINA find more potential partners, other producers in the future, and conquer new success together.   


TADAVINA are supplying for both of retail customers and dealers, 5-star projects from My Way, Bene, Moca, Muong Thanh, Sungroup, FLC, Vingroup, Redsun, JW Marriot, Duyen Ha Resort, Sherraton, Sofitel, Vinpearl & BanaHils, Novotel, Amanoi, Sixsenses etc...      

TADAVINA consult to open GELATO & CAFE shops with Italian style in Vietnam. Supply Gelato and Cafe ingredients, equipments. Repair all equipment in all restaurants and shops. Rent gelato machines, coffee machines. Train and guide to make gelato and cafe and build Menu.  


Always desire to develop the passion for Italian GELATO & CAFE towards the first enterprise in Vietnam for providing services related to Italian GELATO & CAFE. Create the most trendy and long-lasting new dishes and drinks in the Vietnamese market that are best for Vietnamese people's health.

TADAVINA - Importer and distributor of ice cream ingredients, ice cream machines, cofffee machines, bakery equipments and instruments for ice cream shops, café, restaurants, 5 star hotels... 

To be the representative for the branding development, designing website, SEO products  and branding co-operation over the world.      

Our partners are Rubicone, Innova, Camardo, Adler, Cofrimell, Techfrost, Fama, Promac, Fracino, Gelatec, Mondial Framec, Vema, Taycool, Casta,...     





"Given the choice, like TADAVINA every time. The bottom line is: The customer service is exceptional, the choice is large and there is a beverage or gelato  to suit all tastes " Mr Tuan - CEO

Fllow US


Established on June 2016 and located in Hanoi, Vietnam, TADAVINA focus on importing Gelato ingredients and coffee machines to sell exclusive brands in Vietnam. Most of the brands are located in Italy. TADAVINA become directly representative, distributors of gelato ingredients, ice cream machines, gelato showcases, and coffee beans, fruit tea … to the restaurants, hotels, resorts, and shops all over Vietnam. All customers can buy and use gelato ingedients, yogurt machines, gelato showase, coffee bean, coffee machines or renting services for all projects. 


In 2017, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Cofrimell (1981) - a leader company at an international level in the field of the commercial refrigeration as dispnenser, slush machines, granita machines, located in Rome, Italy.  

In 2017, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Fama Industries (1953) - 70 years history of expertise, the top manufacturers of food preparation equipments, located in Rimini, Italy.  

In 2018, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Innova Italia (1978) - manufacturer of batch freezers, pasteurizers, soft serve machines, hade-made in 100% Italia, with luxury machines, located in Bergamo, Italy.   

In 2018, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Techfrost (1995) - one of the first producers of blast chillers / blast freezers for F&B, especially gelato and bakery, located in Venezia, Italy.   

In 2019, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Camardo (1951) - one of the first Italian brands to export Italian coffee beans, roasted coffee blends, located in Campobasso, Italy.   

In 2019, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Gelatec (2010) - design and the manufacture of professional gelato showcase for gelato and bakery, located in Thessaloniki, Greece. 

In 2020, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributors of Fracino England (1963) - manufacture of coffee machines, "Made in England 100%" coffee machines, located in Birmingham, UK.

In 2020, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of Promac Italia (1982) - manufacture of  about coffee machines, located in Milan, Italy.

In 2020, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributor of VEMA Italia (1953) - manufacture of Milkshake machines, Piza Ovens, located in Venezia, Italy.  

In 2021, TADAVINA is the exclusive distributors Aromitalia (1942) - manufacturing Gelato ingredients, fruit pastes, Yogurt - "Gelato made in Turin Italia " over rthe world, located in Turin, Italy.     


TADAVINA started participating Food Exhibitions in Vietnam for introducing main products there since 2019. Always TADAVINA find more potential partners, other producers in the future, and conquer new success together.  


TADAVINA are supplying for both of retail customers and dealers, 5-star projects from My Way, Bene, Moca, Muong Thanh, Sungroup, FLC, Vingroup, Redsun, JW Marriot, Duyen Ha Resort, Sherraton, Sofitel, Vinpearl & BanaHils, Novotel, Amanoi, Sixsenses etc...     

TADAVINA consult to open GELATO & CAFE shops with Italian style in Vietnam. Supply Gelato and Cafe ingredients, equipments. Repair all equipment in all restaurants and shops. Rent gelato machines, coffee machines. Train and guide to make gelato and cafe and build Menu.  


Always desire to develop the passion for Italian GELATO & CAFE towards the first enterprise in Vietnam for providing services related to Italian GELATO & CAFE. Create the most trendy and long-lasting new dishes and drinks in the Vietnamese market that are best for Vietnamese people's health.

© 2010 - 2021 TADAVINA CO., LTD - All rights reserved.